Ordering Apps This category is for discussions around the ordering apps (Android and iOS), including testing apps on the App Center. Discussions on how the apps can be configured, utilised and any general help regarding the ordering apps should be discussed here. Redbox Management This category is for discussions around the Redbox Management Portal. Businesses This category is for discussions around Businesses, including how to best recruit new businesses, how to configure businesses in Redbox Management etc. Terminals This category is for discussions around Terminals. This includes testing, setting up and other features on the terminal. Marketing This category is for discussions around Marketing with Redbox, this includes the all aspects of Marketing using Redbox such as Segments, Campaigns and Meta. Discussions on how to set up, send and use various aspects of Marketing with Redbox. Ordering Website This category is for discussions around the ordering website. Discussions on how the website can be configured, utilised and any general help regarding the ordering website should be discussed here. Announcements Watch this space for new announcements from the Redbox Team.