Marketing Segments

Please discuss topics around Segments.

Segments are something I need to delve into more, I currently have an ‘All’ segment, and also a ‘Hasn’t ordered in 4 months’ which I sent an email blast out to recently & that was my first step into trying to make better use of it.

I was going to also do a discount code for them to use, as it was a ‘we miss you’ type email.

What other segments do people have that they find valuable?

I have a few segments set up. I have one for people who have ordered more, say 10 times, and then I use it to email every other month asking for Google My Musiness reviews.

Also, because I’m across two areas, I have one segment set up containing postcodes for one area, then a second for all postcodes for my other area. This allows me to send out blasts to each area separately.

That’s a good idea, hadn’t thought about retargeting heavy users, I guess they may even be potentially more likely to leave a review.

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Exactly. Those who have ordered multiple times are more likely to leave reviews. Especially when you explain, reviews help local businesses gain support, as people love reading what others think.

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