Mobile v5.0.17 Now Available to Release to Stores

Exciting News: Mobile v5.0.17 Now Ready for Release
We are thrilled to announce that, following thorough verification of our previous Early Access versions, Mobile v5.0.17 is officially ready for release in app stores. This update includes all improvements from earlier versions and introduces several key features, including:

  • Business Segments
  • New Payment Screen
  • Theming
  • Service Defaults
  • Improved Outlet Opening Status
  • New Menu Layout
  • Multiple Menu Images
  • Help & Support
  • Food Hygiene Ratings
  • Network Order Tracking
  • Basket Indicator
  • Menu Search for quicker navigation
  • Expanded Menu View for enhanced visibility
  • New Service Component Icons for a refreshed look
  • Tab Style Picker for Single Fulfilments for a more tailored experience
  • Basket Quantity UI for easier adjustments
  • Refined UI for Order History and Basket screens

Mobile v.5.0.17 Release Notes

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What’s the process for Google Pay, as it offers me it - but doesn’t work, think there was some more setup we need to do or something? :slight_smile:

Also, the ‘join us’ link in the app is broken, I can log a ticket if needed.

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I will get a look into this tonight. The new look is fantastic.

I just noticed this aviut cash only orders yet I’ve no option to allow cash orders.

Am I now able to accept cash orders?

We don’t support cash orders through Paybox Standard.